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Educational games for homeschooling

Educational games for homeschooling

Educational games for homeschoolLearning You’ve started your homeschooling journey and you are enjoying teaching your kids. The way they lite up when they learn a concept or get a better understanding of a topic. It brings joy to a mom’s heart to know your child is...

23 Ideas to get kids off electronics

23 ideas to get kids off electronics If you are like most moms or dads maybe you are concerned about the amount of time your child spends on electronics. Television, tablets, phones, computers, and video games seem to be the choice of entertainment for most kids. Come...

Free or cheap ways to home school

Free or cheap ways to home school I have been homeschooling for over 20 years. I am always on the hunt for the best deals that I can get to save money. Resources for Homeschooling your Child  I have homeschooled 8 children at one time or another.  Today, I am...

Resources for Homeschooling your Child

resources for homeschooling your child Are you new to homeschooling or are you ready to begin? Do you wonder if you should start your homeschool journey? There has never been a better time to homeschool with all the resources and free tools out there to help you. Even...

How to get started meal planning

Facebook Twitter Youtube How to get started meal planning Have you ever heard the question “Mom what’s for dinner” and have you thought “I don’t know? With 8 kids I have had that question asked to me many times. My problem is, either I have gotten busy and haven’t...

Our Journey to Homeschooling

  When our oldest was approaching school age. I started feeling the pressure if you will, about how our son would be educated. I didn’t know a lot about homeschooling back in those days.    In fact I didn't really know anything at all. I had heard the term about...


Editorial Note: This blog post has been revised and updated. See the link below. When I was early married going grocery shopping used to feel like an unnecessary expense rather than a basic need....

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