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23 Ideas to get kids off electronics

23 ideas to get kids off electronics

If you are like most moms or dads maybe you are concerned about the amount of time your child spends on electronics. Television, tablets, phones, computers, and video games seem to be the choice of entertainment for most kids.

Come to think about it. I wonder where they get those ideas.

As I type this, I ponder the amount of time that I spend on my phone or computer, outside of working on my blog or ministry.

How much time is wasted on mindless things that we as adults do on our electronics?

Well, I digress, but it is something to think about isn’t it?

Anyways, I really don’t like seeing my kids sitting around all the time just vegging and not being productive.

When I was a kid (a long time ago in a land far away) well ok, I’m not that old but my kids probably think so.

I got out and played and used my imagination.

My mom says I cried because she wouldn’t eat my mud pies. Well, today after being all grown up, I can’t blame her. I don’t want to eat mud either, (haha). I do however, want to see my kids use their God-giving minds to be creative. Also, to have fun with their imagination.

Today I wanted to give parents fun ways to get kids to be kids, and also to get kids out to play like we used to play as children.


Smaller children are always easier to get off electronics.

Most of the time they just want mommy and daddy time.

As we get out and do things with our kids. Even sometimes the tweens and teens become interested.

Those teenagers may act like they don’t care. Though, as a mom of 8, trust me even that age needs time with their parents.

After all, that’s what we want as Mom and Dad is more time with our kids as well, right?


Have a family game night

Have a family game night– kids love games and it gives an opportunity to have family time. Set one night a week to have game night. It is sure to be a crowd pleaser.

You don’t have to spend a fortune on games either. Check out garage sales and thrift stores. Maybe even online places for discounts or second-hand items. You could also check out eBay for gently used items.


Fishing is another fun time sport. Go fishing while you’re camping or just make a day of it. My kids have their own little pole, and they enjoy fishing very much. If you are good at it and on the adventurous side, you could also have dinner.

I do enjoy eating some good fried fish.

As long as, it is gluten-free because I can’t do regular flour. Yum yum!

Go camping

Go camping- camping is a lot of fun and can bring the whole family together. It’s relaxing and you can leave at least some of the electronics alone for a while.

If you don’t have a camper or don’t want to go anywhere. You could always camp out in your own backyard. Kids just love a change of scenery or something different.

Bike Riding

Bike Riding– Going bicycle riding seems to be a lost art today. I used to love getting out and riding my bike. Taking a family bike ride on a nice sunny day is relaxing and it gets everyone out of the house. It gives kids something fun to do with mom and dad. It gives mom and dad a chance to just unwind from the day of work, bills, the dog running away or whatever.

Road Trip

Road Trip– a Road trip is a lot of fun. You could plan a weekend getaway or just a day trip. Kids like the anticipation of what we are doing or where we are going next. Even just a family drive can be enjoyable. You could drive around and look at the mountains, beaches, or waterfalls if you have them where you’re at.

At Christmas time my family likes to go around and look at lights. It’s a tradition around that time of the year. Just getting out of the house sometimes is all that is needed for children to have a good time and be entertained for a while. While on that trip maybe you could pack a picnic and eat lunch on the grass. They makes great memories.

Movie Night

Movie night is another great idea. I know you may be thinking, well that is still electronics. You would be right, though shaking it up and watching it outside is different.

Watching the movie outside on a projector is a nice change and it still makes a great family night.


Crafts– Doing crafts is a fun thing to do with younger kids. It gives them an opportunity to use their talents. Most children enjoy creating things of their own and sometimes you can get the older kids into the action.

Reading books

Reading books– is another option for getting kids off phones and tablets where their imagination takes them to lands far away.

Finding the right book for each child goes a long way in creating a love for learning.

It doesn’t hurt that it increases vocabulary and reading skills as well.


Swimming– is another great option if you have the opportunity for that. Most kids enjoy getting in the pool, going to the lake or beach. Swimming is also great exercise and gets kids and parents alike out of the house and enjoying the fresh air and outdoors.

Park time

Park time– is another great option for the whole family. Our family likes to go to the park and do the walking trails. This is also a great opportunity for everyone to get exercise and my kids love to hang out and talk with each other.

Tennis court

Tennis court– Going to play tennis is filled with family fun. Everyone really enjoys it. I wouldn’t say any of us are going to make professional tennis players any time soon. However, it is a great way to spend some family time together, thus keeping children occupied from needing to be entertained through all their gadgets.


Basketball– Playing basketball with your kids is another fun activity to do. If you don’t have a basketball hoop, some parks have basketball hoops that you can play at.

Who knows, you may have a budding basketball player.

Hide and seek

Hide and seek is another favorite game for kids to play.


Spotlight is a cool game that really ups the fun. It is like hide and seek but kids do it in the dark, then use a flashlight to find one another.

Dress up

Dress up Having a box full of dress-up clothes and different costumes is a lot of fun and causes kids to use their imagination.

One minute a child can be Batman and next Spiderman. little girls love being a princess.

Scavenger hunt

Scavenger hunt– This is a game in which the children must collect several different items after they have been hidden.


Tic-tac-tow– This is a fun game that everyone enjoys playing. However, painting rocks and using some sticks outside for the board makes it kind of different to play. Just a few changes and the children really enjoy it.

Outside chalkboard

Outside chalkboard– Getting an old piece of wood and painting it with chalk paint can be used to make creative masterpieces outside by your creative artist.

Sidewalk chalk

Sidewalk chalk– is another way to use kids’ creative skills. Children can make all kinds of pictures or roads etc.

When the fun is all through it is easily washed away off the concrete.

Speaking of concrete. You or your child can draw a hopscotch on the sidewalk or driveway. That is sure to be a winner.


Sandbox– Playing in a sandbox is an all-time favorite of kids. Putting tractors in the sand or beach favorites to play with, kids can play for hours in the sandbox. Make sure to have buckets and shovels. Having these tools only adds to the adventure.


Rocks– that is another great option to sand or even having both a sandbox and rock area.

An option to having a large sandbox is to use clear picture storage boxes. They are not too tall but can hold a good amount of sand or rocks for hours of fun. Also, they can be filled with water for entertaining water play.

Forts or playhouses

Forts or playhouses– are another option for kids to use their imaginations.

Give kids some old wood or materials and let them invent their own fort or playhouse.

You just might be surprised, and you will see how their talents shine through.

If you don’t have supplies, then an old curtain or sheet makes a great play area. Just stretch them out over some kitchen chairs or couch. What ever you have.

I used to enjoy making play areas like this when I was a child.

Grow a garden

Grow a garden– getting out of the house and getting your hands dirty is a lot of fun for kids. Why not put those skills to good work. This is a great family thing to do, teaches children about raising a garden, and hopefully cultivates a love for growing their own food someday.

So here are some ideas to help children use their their energy into something other than all the electronic world has to offer.

21 ideas to help us as parents make it happen.

“Thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine by the sides of thine house: thy children like olive plants round about thy table.” Psalms 128:3 (KJV)

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