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How To Teach Kids To Be Thankful Using Gratitude Jars

Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on the many blessing God has given in our lives and to give thanks. Gratitude activities are a fun way for children to learn these things.

In the dictionary, thankful means, “pleased and relieved.” Showing gratitude is one way we can please God. The Bible says, In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

There is an old hymn that says Count your blessings, name them one by one. Count your many blessings see what God has done.

One easy gratitude activity to do with kids is making a gratitude jar. Kids can write down the things they are thankful for and go back later and count those blessings, literally!

It really is one way that children and adults alike can see just what all God has provided for us each and every day.

Another fun thing about these jars is, they can be used as decorations.

The kids can add leaves or other items that they choose to create a nice decorative piece for their bedroom or other places they choose.

Items that you will need

– A jar

– Paper

– Pen or pencil

– Scissors

– leaves (optional)

– other items to decorate the jar (optional)

The nice thing about this craft is many items you already have around your house.


1. Help your child cut out pieces of paper. They can be any size or shape.

2. Write down things you’re grateful for each day and put them in the jar.

3. You can decorate the jar with leaves or other items.

Then place the jar where you will see it each day. Pick a time of day, such as around dinner time each night to put the things that you are thankful for that day.

If you have more than one child, then make sure each child has there own jar.

It can be a fun way to get the whole family involved while you are all gathered around the table.

What do you put in a thank you jar?

Fill your jar with little notes that have things you are grateful for each day.

What are examples of gratitude?

Some examples of gratitude include:

-Being thankful for your family

-Being thankful for your friends

-Being thankful for your home

-Being thankful for your school

– Being thankful for your teachers

– Being thankful for your pets

– Being thankful for the food you have to eat

-Being thankful for your health

– Being thankful for the clothes you have to wear

– Being thankful for the air you breathe

– Being thankful for the sun and the stars

-Being thankful for the house you have

-Being thankful for Jesus and God

-Being thankful for everything God has given you.

How do you make a gratitude jar?

Really there is nothing to it. Get a jar of your choice and decorate it any way you like. Add leaves or other items to make it pretty. Write down something you’re grateful for each day and put it in the jar. It’s that easy!

At the end of the month or year, you can sit down with your gratitude jar and reflect on all the wonderful things God has blessed you with. You may be surprised at just how many things there are to be grateful for.

What are the benefits of a gratitude jar?

There are many benefits of gratitude activities for kids, including:

-Helping them learn to focus on the positive

-Teaching them to be thankful for what they have

-Encouraging them to think of others

-Helping them to develop a grateful attitude

Why is it important to be grateful?

Now, when it comes to gratitude, it’s kind of a big deal. It’s like the key to a happy, fulfilled life. Being thankful not only helps us appreciate what’s in our lives but also makes us more generous and considerate toward others. Teaching our kids to be thankful for their blessings is one of those key character traits that really matters.

Furthermore, teaching kids to be thankful truly nurtures godly character in your child.

What are some other gratitude activities for kids?

In addition to gratitude jars, there are many other gratitude activities for kids, including:

-Writing thank you cards to people who have shown kindness to you

– Show gratitude to others

-Saying “thank you” often

– Keeping a gratitude journal

-Helping others in need

One way that you can help others in need, is to donate time serving others. One year when my older kids were in school, we went and packed Thanksgiving food boxes to give to those that needed help that year.

That is not only a way to teach kids to appreciate what they have but it also feels good to give of ourselves to others.

Gratitude activities are a fun and easy way to teach kids the importance of gratitude and thankfulness. These activities can be done any time of year, but are especially important during the Thanksgiving season. Gratitude jars are a great way to get kids involved and excited about being thankful, and they make a wonderful decoration as well. Other gratitude activities for kids include making lists of things you’re grateful for, writing thank you cards, and helping others in need. No matter what activity you choose, teaching kids to be grateful is one of the most important things you can do. It really does teach Godly character in children.


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Thanks for reading! I hope you found this post helpful.

Check out our downloadable Thanksgiving placemats for more fun.

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